Sunsets and Sushi

We had beautiful sunsets the first evening.

20121102-190955.jpgThe next morning we were still motor sailing through most of the first day out, so we tried out the new fishing gear we had picked up in San Diego.
We had watched “Kinda Blue” who weren’t too far from us pull in a couple of fish, but things were quiet for a while and Peggy and I had gone down stairs to take a nap.
We both woke with a start at the sound of the reel paying out line fast. When we got back on deck, Richard was busy pulling in his first yellow tail tuna!

Later that day, the wind picked up enough to sail and set the spinnaker for while. In the evening the winds cooled off a little and enjoyed views of Paul and Janet’s Talos IV.

The next day, we managed to sail the full day, flying the symmetrical spinnaker for a while, before the winds got too high. We passed between Cedros island and the San Benito islands at dusk, and then had fantastic winds on the stern throughout the night, pulling into Turtle Bay around 9am the next day.
