San Diego


We left White’s Cove around 4:15am from the ~70NM crossing from Catalina to San Diego. We’re expecting light winds for most of the day and so it was until we were closer to San Diego in the early afternoon. The wind direction and strength was perfect for our symmetrical spinnaker, so we broke it out and flew it.

Under Spinnaker – San Diego Bound

The activity seemed to attract a pod of dolphins nearby and over they came to greet us, leaping out of the water as they approached. There were maybe 25 in total, playing of the bow in groups of 5-8.

We arrived in San Diego in the early evening, leaving plenty of room in the channel for the cruise ships arriving at the city and warships returning to port.


Vision of the Seas


Soon we were tucked away at Cabrillo Isle Marina, with about a week to go before the start of the Baja and loads of things to do beforehand!