Bahia Santa Maria is a vast, beautiful, unspoiled anchorage on the Baja Pacific coast. As you can see we easily fit the entire Baja HaHa fleet in with no crowding and plenty of room to spare.
We arrived in the morning and used the rest of the day to go ashore and explore the beach, collecting a couple of sand dollars (which are many and large) as we went.
The following day was the day of the Bahia Santa Maria beach party, the kids and those young at heart played in the surf and most of the adults gathered around the action on the top of the bluff, rocking out to the music and from the band who had travelled many miles overland (dirt roads) to get here. Much fun was had.
After the beach party we invited a few of the boats with kids to Aphrodite for dinner. Certainly the most people we have ever had on board!